Thursday, May 27, 2010

Chronic Pain: Energetic Healing is an Alternative Treatment

Chronic pain is difficult to treat because there are so many underlying causes that doctors have a hard time pinpointing the problem. Modern medicine has yet to fully understand what underlying causes bring about chronic pain. Traditional pain treatments usually don't cure underlying problems. Many patients live with chronic pain all their lives.

Traditional treatments for chronic pain are usually in pill form. NSAIDS are non-steroidal, anti-inflammatory drugs. Examples include aspirin and ibuprofen. You can find these over the counter. These drugs are used to reduce swelling that can cause pain. Long-term use is very hard on the stomach. Opiods are narcotics such as codeine and morphine based drugs. A doctor must prescribe these drugs since they are addictive and sedate the patient. Corticosteroids are cortisone or prednisone based steroids. These are taken in a shot or pill form. Antidepressants boost the body's production of serotonin, which helps to stifle the neurons that send pain signals to the brain. Antidepressant drugs are often used to Resolve Headaches. Anti-conversant drugs are used to treat neurological disorders that cause patients pain. These drugs help treat migraines caused by certain types of nerve transmissions. These drugs can be dangerous, as the patient must be weaned off of them slowly in order to prevent convulsions. Topical analgesics are over the counter creams used to stop the cycle of pain. When sensory nerves are given a different sensation to focus on, it helps to stop pain.

Other physician approved common remedies include the use of heat, ice, massage, electrical stimulation, relaxation and physical therapy. About 30% of chronic pain sufferers choose to go with some type of complimentary or alternative treatment. While not proven to work for everyone, alternative methods do help many patients ease their symptoms.

Alternative methods range from acupuncture and acupressure to heat cupping and yoga. Herbal remedies abound. There are magnetic bracelets worn on the wrist that do seem to help some people. Some people go as far as to try psychotherapy, hypnosis, praying and laying of hands, qigong and other spiritual methods to overcome their pain. Meditation and visualization are two relaxation methods that are popular. There is even an at home energy healing course available online.

The most effective form of pain management seems to come from within. Power of the mind has been proven to help many patients. While the mind must be trained to overcome pain, it can be done. Mental training is so always easy, and it does not treat the root cause of pain, it is a safer alternative than many drugs and alternative methods used to treat pain today. To learn more about overcoming pain through energy healing courses, go to